In the Face of Death

[HIDDEN Mission: Within 3 days, accumulate a minimum of 150% personal contributions for successful 2 star operations. Mission Rewards: 1 blurred and dilapidated photograph

Current Cumulative Personal Contributions: 0%, Time Remaining: 71:59:59]

Looking at the new mission description, Gu Jun's heart skipped a beat. 

1 blurred and dilapidated photograph? A photograph of what?

This system had an iron rule which it operated on. For NORMAL missions, the rewards will be drugs or medicines. These were all unrelated to any form of visions. The DIFFICULT missions would reward items that once had an owner and were related to the visions. From the current looks of it, the HIDDEN missions had a similar difficulty to DIFFICULT missions. Owing to the rarity, the possibility of the rewards being scarcer was high.