Leg Amputation Surgery

'Subterrain Giant Worm's parasite removal surgery, two-star, success, personal contribution 55%/Rank 1.'

Uncle Dan was ranked two at forty percent contribution, third was Zhang Huohuo with three percent, and the four members holding the makeshift surgical light totaled up to two percent.

'Success!' When Gu Jun saw that result, he only sighed in relief. He felt the camaraderie of the Demon Hunters, and a smile lit up his face that was half-covered by the mask.

"Ah Jun, is anything wrong?" When Uncle Dan saw how silent he was, he thought Gu Jun had some worry. Instantly, he got nervous. After all, it was Gu Jun who was technically guiding the whole operation.

"No, I just have a hunch that the surgery was a success, and my hunch is always quite accurate," Gu Jun told the rest and encouraged Lin Mo. "During the operation, there was no discovery of any sacs, and all the young parasites have been picked out."