Problematic Team

"To pick out all the noted human psychic power that has appeared through history and treat it as a historical research subject," a scientist wrote in 'Expanding the Basic of Somatic Science'.

In the 80s, a wave of psychic energy study swept across the globe. This was not a coincidence but could be accredited to certain events that transpired within that period. When it came to Elder Tong's time, the fad had not faded away. If anything, the field had become a taboo, a poisonous cancer that desperately needed to be cleansed, so when Elder Tong came up with his 'disconcerting suggestions', it only confirmed Phecda's suspicion of his madness.

"Are there actual spells in this world?" Elder Tong looked at the three silent members with a smile. "I know there are and you know there are because we have all experienced it personally."