New Way to Improve Mental Power

"It's nothing. An idea just struck me. That's all," Gu Jun answered vaguely. He thought about it and decided to find out more while he still had the special access granted to him. He turned to ask the command center to send over the carcass of a normal human being and a necro-skin. He just wanted the heads. Everyone was confused, but the command center still moved to oblige while Gu Jun's group continued with their autopsy. Soon, members from the Action Department came in with two mobile autopsy tables, each carried a head sample.

Gu Jun's dissection of the zombie stopped. He moved toward the sink in the morgue to clean the scalpel before turning to the head of the normal human.

"What is he up to now?" In the headquarters' conference room, even the experts like Xiao Huiwen had no idea what was happening. Was Gu Jun going to do a live comparison?