Skinless Arctic Wolves

The wind blew, and snow fell. The gale caused the hiking group to be unstable on their feet, and the fanatical chanting was getting closer and closer. The chanting eventually became louder than the whipping snowstorm. It pressed against them like an imminent avalanche. However, the satellites still captured nothing around them.

"Command, we can hear human voices coming from the summit. Captain Gu suspects it is the Inuits performing some kind of ritual."

"Copy that, Arctic Wolf. There is no change from the satellites… All we can see are your teams."

"Command, we are going for an ambush, over."

When they were still over thirty meters from the summit, the leaders of the joint team had a quick discussion and settled on an ambush. The Russians agreed to provide support. Even they wanted to find out what was going on.

"Copy that…"