For the Sweet Dreams (2in1)

Gu Jun studied the familiar faces that had suddenly appeared around him. His eyes landed on this one and that other one, they were all smiling back at him. 

"So this is the dream world?" The one who spoke was Xue Ba and it was followed by an uncouth curse by Lou Xiaoning, "We have finally gotten into this godforsaken place!" Uncle Dan followed up in concern. "Ah Jun, what's wrong with your finger?" There were also members from the Demon Hunters, marksmen like Yang Henan and Zhang Huohuo. In fact, even Lin Mo who had retired from the frontline was there on the support of his artificial limb. The Arctic Wolf were there as well. Other than the Special Mobile Force, there were also people dressed in doctor's robes. Most of them came from Eastern State's Medical Department. After their narrow escape from this place, they had now returned voluntarily. "Ah Jun, we're here to help.""It might not be much but we'll offer any aid we can." They poured their support towards Gu Jun.