Ancient Seal

Whether Atal had the Pnakotic Manuscripts or not? Gu Jun had no idea, the whole thing about Barzai's wishes was just a bet and an educated guess. After all, all of his dealings with mysterious tomes so far had occurred inside his mind, Gu Jun figured it would be the same for Barzai and Atal. Based on the man's reaction, Gu Jun knew that his bet had paid off. He was quite impressed that the old man had managed to keep the secret to himself for so long… 

"The Tattered One." Tiredness started to line Atal's face. "Knowledge itself is a burden, the more you know, the heavier it'll get. Barzai the Wise thought that he had known everything, believing his intelligence can surpass the earth's god, but see what has befallen him... Why would he ask you to come get the copy from me?" 

"I have no idea." Gu Jun admitted, "Barzai operates in a way that is beyond us, I believe it is best that we just follow his instruction."