Invisible Hand

Before the existing questions could be answered, new ones had appeared. Gu Jun looked into the starless sky and felt at least some comfort within him knowing that Earth had not collapsed and was not destroyed. Peacock's group of five came from Earth and perhaps so did all the land's travellers for the past 30 years. 

"I, I…" At that moment, Peacock groaned in pain. She lifted her eyes to look at him and they were filled with blankness. "Mr. Nightmare Man, I don't understand…" She slowly stood up to look around. There was sand and nothingness, instantly tears poured out of her eyes. "What, what happened to our settlements?"

"You finally see the truth?" Gu Jun's heart jumped, "In actuality, there are only us around here."

"The City of Kindle…" Peacock wanted to take a step forward but her knees buckled and she dropped to the sand like a deflated balloon. "Where is the city and the temple?"