Be Clever

Gu Jun listened to the dial tone from the phone and sighed helplessly. 'So it failed after all…' He turned to look at the other customers, took in Malachite and the rest who were still pointing at the television, as well as Kathlyn who was on her phone in the corner. She and Tom had been missing for more than 10 days already, she was calling home to assure their families that they were fine, to call off the police search. 

'What to do?' Gu Jun was about to put the phone down when he realized that Dirty-minded Yu must have had her reason to bring up something like a horror movie cliché apropos to nothing. There were two possibilities to this, onem it just came to her for no reason, which was unlikely considering the team training was so long ago and horror movies was just one of their many topics, this seemed much too coincidental to be true, so it had to be the other possibility which was the ESP connection!