The Word Lai

After attending the opening ceremony at Phecda University, Gu Jun returned to the Spell Department. He denied an appearance for a singing performance at a charity event that night, he'd leave that to the professional. Gu Jun had something else more important to deal with. In the maritime warfare, 3 Spell Department members were heavily injured by the Deep Ones but thankfully they were all recovering. There were still many mysteries around that battle, namely the Deep Ones, the ghost ships, the Seagull, the space distortion ritual… and that Lai Hwa Tree. 

Due to the lockdown, the Lai Hwa Tree seeding had been left on the ship. A few days ago, it finally went through layers of inspection and was being shipped back to the base. It was now planted at the Spell Department's garden. It was heavily guarded with radar around it and Ancient Seal stones buried under the ground. Ever since the tree returned to the base, Gu Jun would go and visit it whenever he was free.