Li Qi Zai

It was still early in the morning but Da Hwa City's Nan Hwa Street was already busy with activities. Middle-aged aunties and uncles practiced tai chi, the cleaners swept the grounds, youngsters ran in tracks while couples walked their dogs. Most shops down the streets were closed except for a few which specialized in takeaway breakfast. Nan Hwa Street was the city's commerce centre and it also was home to many luxury brands' branches. The fearful pall from the epidemic faded, evidenced by the activities that returned to the street. 

Suddenly, the aunties and uncles playing Tai Chi were stunned as they saw a troupe funnel into the street. There were armored cars, medic cars, quarantine vehicles, mobile com cars… Each vehicle was marked with a star symbol, which was now familiar to the public. These were the people from Phecda. Before the public could react, a group of imposing soldiers came to chase them away, "Please leave the scene immediately!"