Medical Report

"Berry: Mr. Wales, we're so sorry to dredge up these memories but this is our job, please cooperate with us. 

Baldwin: Actually we are trying to help you. Put it this way, Mr. Wales, this will help clear up your suspicion of collusion with the enemy.

Wales: Collusion? How dare you! Don't assume I'm a traitor just because of the state I'm in… if you have seen the things I have, you would not be taking me so lightly… That thing is not a freakshow from the circus, it is stranger than fiction. It possesses the strongest presence of death and despair even though it is definitely alive. 

Berry: Sir, we are willing to believe you. Please describe it further.

Wales: That giant monster… there are no words that can encapsulate its horror. There is a river at the bottom of the hill. It emerged from that river. And the sound that it made… Urgh… My head.