The Storm

The waves lapped noisily against the shore. The sky darkened as the tides began to rise. The lifeboats were stranded around the tidal pools. The teams were led by Gu Jun and Lou Xiaoning towards the highest cliff on the island. Even the Shearwater knew now was not the time to fight for dominance. Gu Jun used more than 5 minutes to close the distance of 50 metres because he'd stop every few steps to sense his surroundings… 

He could detect the breeze picking up. The wind carried with it not only the saltiness of the sea but also a trace of decomposition. To confirm, Wu Siyu's voice came from the walkie-talkie, "The taste around us has changed, be careful." 

'She sensed it as well?' Gu Jun immediately warned the other teams, "The anomaly around us is intensifying!"