Jiang Nan Historical Town

For the first three days of the new year, Gu Jun and Wu Siyu enjoyed themselves thoroughly at Shen Hai City. They admired the blooming orchids in the day and visited the lantern festivals at night. Sometimes, they went alone while at other times, they were accompanied by Wu Siyu's parents. But whenever Kedou was there, there would never be a boring moment. On the fourth day, Gu Jun and Wu Siyu's family visited a nearby historical city. 

This was a Jiang Nan historical town famed for its canals and decorative bridges. The classically-designed buildings and streets were beautifully decorated. Red lanterns dangled from roof beams and there were lion dances to help bring in the new year. Gu Jun and Siyu babysat Kedou. They visited all the points of interest. Each of them munched on new year candy, the situation could not have been any sweeter.