The Soil in the Stomach

With a dull thud, the fresh body that died 2 hours ago was placed on the autopsy table. Chui Jianbiao, male, 46, former headmaster of Mo Bei's Gao Ji High School. Inside the Mo Bei Division's autopsy room, Wang Ruoxiang, Cai Zixuan and autopsy experts like Zhang Ruiyuan wore heavy protective gear. Ancient Seal stones and cameras were arranged in the room like usual. They studied the body on the table, another victim claimed by supernatural forces. The body had its limbs and torso intact. The stomach showed signs of obvious swelling. But the head that 'exploded' could not be salvaged. What was left of it was the torn skin around the edges of the neck. The group canvased the school and discovered that the victim's entire head, including the skull, had dissolved into a light-yellow liquid and they contained an enormous amount of unknown parasite.