
Under the ashen sky, the scorched wasteland stretched without end. A fat mutli-colored cat padded down the ground. Sometimes she stopped to scratch behind her ears or use her tail to fan herself. "Meow? Meow?" The cat mewled several times, actually she was saying, 'Dirty-minded Jun? Dirty-minded Jun?'

Wu Siyu had wandered for hours already but it felt like she had been going around in circles since nothing around her had changed. To confirm she tried pacing at the same spot for half an hour, from that she confirmed that the feeling was different. It was like eating through synesthesia and actually eating. The difference was small but present. 'Am I inside the painting?' She did not think so because this did not look like the world that she had painted at all. Therefore, the watercolor was most likely a channel between two worlds. 

There was nothing of interest for her to investigate so that was quite convenient. If only the wind here was a constant 27 to 28 degrees.