Professor Armitage

"Professor Armitage, you said your family has been fighting dark forces like Yog-Sothoth since your grandfather's times, why do you think that is?" Gu Jun asked loudly. Honestly, he did not think that would change the old man's mind, he just wanted to buy more time. 

"A force is not naturally good or bad, a force is a force." Prof Armitage approached them with Necronomicon. His wrinkled face lined with fervour. "Now that I am in a different state than my father and grandfather, naturally I'll have to make a different choice." The old man spread the white dust around the ritualistic circle and explained, "These are a combination of Dunwich soil and some alchemical product. They will help us connect to that incomplete ritual, to help us reach out to father's power." 

Gu Jun tossed Hannah a questioning look. "Brother, actually I have no idea what is really happening here." Hannah shrugged with difficulty. "But from the looks of it, we're going to die."