Home (3in1)

The cicadas called. Gu Jun walked through the fields and the streets. He saw the tenancy buildings not far away. Soon, he found himself walking on an old mud road. This was a gentrifying village. Most of the buildings were of varying heights, results of the villagers building them themselves. As he walked down the alley, the dogs barked and the chickens clucked at him. 

Gu Jun walked as he took in the scenery around him. The place was incomparable to the City of Dusk. But he felt his heart growing warmer and his breathing becoming evener. Everything from before felt like a dream. And now, he finally had woken up from that dream and walked on firm ground. Of course, part of him feared that he was still inside that dream like the plot of Inception, this being a part of the King in Yellow inside another King in Yellow.