The Voice

'What or who is this negative selection?' Gu Jun was sure that it was the voice of a young male. After that, he witnessed the birth of 3 more abnormal babies, they were 2 stabilizing selections and 1 negative selection. However, he could not feel that presence again. There were no voices, no nothing. The number of abnormal babies globally increased, the traceable statistics put it over 30000 already. That was one-tenth of all newborns. There were the most stabilizing selections, over 20000 of them; followed by negative selection at 6000 plus and finally positive selections at 3000. The only similarity between all the babies was that their prenatal period was within 24 weeks after the war at Mo Bei. No one knew if the number was going to continue to rise or not. But if this speed was maintained, every single day, the world would have 3 to 40000 abnormal babies and thus over 1,000,000 of them in a month.