Chapter 49 The Old Days of the Republic of China (III)

Jiang Feng struggled to get up from the ground and took a firm look around. This was...

A ship's cabin?

Jiang Feng had never been on a boat, and he could hardly stand steady in the violently rocking ship's cabin. He stumbled along and eventually embraced a pillar. Fortunately, he could hold onto the pillar; otherwise, unless the ship stopped, Jiang Feng would have remained sprawled on the ground.

The cabin was cramped, dim, and extremely crowded, with only a small, angled window that barely let any light in. The small space was packed with around a hundred people of all sorts: men, women, old, and young. The one thing they all had in common was their yellowish, emaciated faces with bones poking through their skin, and most of them sat on the ground with lifeless eyes and numb expressions.

In such circumstances, Jiang Feng simply couldn't distinguish which one was Jiang Weiguo.