Chapter 54: Hot Searches (Makeup for yesterday's missed update)

By the time Jiang Feng delivered Liu Qian to the hospital, she was nearly in so much pain that she was about to faint.

She was doubled over in agony, covered in cold sweat, barely able to speak clearly.

"What's happened here?" The emergency room doctor looked quite young, but was a little light on hair.

"Ate too much," Jiang Feng said succinctly.

"Overeating shouldn't cause this. She's not a child. Could it be food poisoning? You go register while I get Wang to prepare for a stomach wash," the emergency doctor instructed.

Jiang Feng obediently went to register, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Liu Qian looked thin but was no lightweight; Jiang Feng had tired himself out carrying her all the way here.

This private hospital was quite large, and there were many people in line to register. By the time Jiang Feng had finished, Liu Qian had already had her stomach washed. She was resting in bed while a middle-aged nurse scolded her.