Chapter 90 Year Thirty (1) [2nd Update]

The kitchen was bustling with people. At a glance, Jiang Feng could see at least three chefs frying dishes. Along with the helpers, messengers, and stewards, the spacious kitchen seemed somewhat cramped.

"Wang, do you have the cut sweet potatoes ready?" Jiang Huiqin stopped a familiar kitchen helper to ask.

"Yes, Master Chen just cut them. I will go get them for you, young mistress," Wang answered, putting aside his current task to fetch the cut sweet potatoes for Jiang Huiqin.

"Huiqin, do you need any help from me?" Li Mingyi seemed eager to try his hand as well.

"Just stand over there. Be careful not to get oil on your clothes and dirty them," Jiang Huiqin pointed him to a spot far from the stove. "Last time when I was making sea cucumber and egg custard, I asked you to beat an egg and you ended up splattering it all over yourself, resulting in a good scolding from mother."