Chapter 88 Sugar

Pan Ling, fuming, went to find the vegetable stall owner and came back with another, even larger radish that was also a bit moldy.

Jiang Feng: ...

Well, that vendor really has a knack for swindling people relentlessly, a rare sight indeed. Jiang Feng asked Pan Ling to take him to the vegetable stall, and they went to confront the vendor together.

"Little girl, why are you back again? Didn't I give you a bigger radish without charging you extra when you complained about the freshness? You agreed to it just then, didn't you?" The stall owner was a middle-aged uncle in his forties or fifties, blaring silly videos on his phone with the speaker on. Seeing Pan Ling come back, he was clearly irritated.

Realizing that this vendor was new and he hadn't seen him before, Jiang Feng said, "Sir, you're being a bit unjust this time. Swindling someone once and being caught, then attempting to swindle them again."