Chapter 95 Slaughter the Pig

In no time, the kitchen came alive with activity.

"Hand-pulled noodles!" Jiang Jianguo said with utter certainty, "Dad must be in a good mood today, but I don't know if he made any 'saozi.' If he could pour a big spoonful of 'saozi' over the noodles and top it with four big pieces of stewed beef, with some fat and tendons, that'd be perfect."

"Dad didn't make 'saozi,'" Jiang Jiankang interrupted Jiang Jianguo's daydream.

"He didn't?" Jiang Jianguo was a bit disappointed. "Well, even without it, adding some stew sauce will do, along with some pickled long beans."

"We finished the pickled long beans last night," Jiang Jiandang threw in another wet blanket.

"I saw a big bowl of them on top of the photo cabinet the day before yesterday; how did you finish them so quickly?" Jiang Jianguo was annoyed.