Chapter 199: Settling on a Renovation Team

At 8 p.m., all the Jiang Family members and Wu Minqi's family of three gathered on the second floor of the Healthy Stir-fry Restaurant, basking in joy and laughter. Jiang Junlian and Jiang Junqing, the sisters, were the happiest and most excited of all because they had successfully skipped their chemistry tutoring again tonight.

Ever since Jiang Jianshe began to seriously pay attention to their academic performance, he was astounded to find that apart from Chinese, they needed tutoring in everything. Hence, Jiang Junqing and Jiang Junlian commenced their delightful life of attending tutoring sessions eight times a week, seven days a week.

Jiang Feng and Jiang Jiankang were keeping watch over two pots of porridge in the kitchen. Most of the dishes were already on the table. Although Wu Hanxue was not fond of Jiang Feng, to support his daughter, he nearly used all his lifetime cooking skills for today's meal.