Chapter 211: Master of a Single Dish (Part 3)

Armed with the experience from his memory of Han Guishan, Jiang Feng spent the night staring at the night sky without getting bored. As soon as dawn broke, he returned to his room to wait for Jiang Weiguo and Master Huang to wake up.

Both of them had been through quite the journey over the past few days and yet woke up early, probably a habit formed from their time working at state-owned restaurants. Not long after Jiang Feng entered the room, Jiang Weiguo woke up, followed shortly by Master Huang.

They changed into clean, presentable old clothes, after all, they were going to have a big meal and need to look decent for the occasion.

Upon leaving the guest house, the two headed straight for the same little eatery as the day before, each ordering a bowl of lu noodles.