Chapter 231: Flower Basket

July 12th was a big day for the catering industry in Beiping.

It was rumored that the powerful and wealthy owner with endless resources and a mysterious background had decided to open Taifeng Building on July 12th.

These past few days, no member of the Jiang Family had rested; the kitchen staff were practicing and coordinating under the command of the two sirs, the lobby staff were strict and ready under the guidance of Fan Mei, and Jiang Zaidi and Jiang Shoucheng were practically throwing money around. As soon as the people of Beiping opened their phones to check the news, they were bombarded with updates about Taifeng Building's opening on July 12th, with a barrage of strange headlines and content that seemed to be written by editors who were paid yet still used their feet to write.

Just casually browsing the news these past few days, Jiang Feng had seen plenty of it.

"The Top-level Restaurant in Beiping That You Don't Know"

"Mysterious Restaurant About to Open"