Chapter 247 Being Handsome Really Means You Can Do Whatever You Want

Xia Mushi's passing had hit Zhang Guanghang hard, and even though he was back at work normally two days after the funeral, everyone could tell he was out of sorts, his spirits low.

A melancholic yet filial mixed-race French-Chinese hunk, standing at 1.92 meters tall, with deep-set eyes, a pronounced nose bridge, delicate features, a slim waist, and long legs in perfect proportion, how could anyone not want to offer comfort to such a radiant figure.

During a very ordinary lunch break, Ji Yue was very ordinarily propping up her head to closely admire Zhang Guanghang's face.

"Ah, my dear Hang Hang is so down; what if it affects his health over time?" Ji Yue said with a sorrowful expression.

Jiang Feng: ...

Had it not been for Wu Minqi feeling unwell due to her period and staying home instead of coming to work, he wouldn't have fallen to the point of gazing at Zhang Guanghang together with Ji Yue.

Pfft, that is, discussing how to comfort Zhang Guanghang.