Chapter 249 Let's Do It Together

By the time Sun Jikai returned to Taifeng Building to look for his cufflinks, Jiang Feng's first batch of three Eight Treasures Chestnut Fragrant Pigeons was almost ready to come out of the pot. The second batch of three had also been deboned and was being prepared for stuffing.

As soon as Sun Jikai entered the kitchen, he saw the three deboned pigeons lying flat on the plates like deflated balloons.

Sun Jikai was aware that Sun Guanyun had taught Jiang Feng how to make Eight Treasures Chestnut Fragrant Pigeon, but he had never taken it seriously and didn't believe that Jiang Feng could learn it after being taught just once.

If it were that easy to learn, he would have mastered it long ago.

However, seeing Jiang Feng's work today, Sun Jikai realized his knifework was actually quite good, even better than he had expected.