Chapter 273: Vegetarian Stewed Silver Ear Mushrooms

Zhang Zhiyuan's family was puzzled - Jiang Feng had been in the bathroom for nearly half an hour, and they hadn't seen him return even though the eggplant with garlic sauce and Beijing shredded pork were already on the table. Zhang Zhiyuan was about to go to find him when he saw Jiang Feng coming over with a pot of tea.

"Feng, did you order a pot of tea?" Zhang Zhiyuan asked.

"I just ran into the owner of Yonghe House. He brewed a pot of tea for me as a gift, and I remember you telling me that Sir Zhang enjoys drinking tea, so I brought it over for Sir Zhang to taste," Jiang Feng explained.

Zhang Zhiyuan certainly hadn't told Jiang Feng that Zhang Chu liked to drink tea, but from the two memories related to the Zhang family that Jiang Feng had, he had seen tea canisters on the shelf and guessed that Zhang Chu must drink tea normally.

"You kid, of all the things you could have talked about, you told Mr. Jiang I like to drink tea." Zhang Chu said cheerfully.

Zhang Zhiyuan: ???