Chapter 284: Orthopedic Cafeteria

Jiang Feng couldn't distinguish between the various positions at the hospital, whether it was residency, internship, or any other official medical position, they all looked the same in white coats, so he just called them doctors.

Dr. Cao was a middle-aged doctor, the bruise under his eyes attested to him staying awake for more than a whole day and night. Yawning and squinting, he listlessly looked down at Ji Yue's swollen foot.

"How did your foot get like this? What smashed it?" Dr. Cao asked.

"I twisted it on the stairs," Ji Yue said.

"Twisted?" Dr. Cao suddenly became alert, a swelling this bad from a twist was unusual, "When did you twist it? Did you use hot or cold compress afterwards?"

"This morning just after 8 o'clock, I used cold compress after twisting it," Ji Yue said.

"8 o'clock? That's just a few hours ago, how did it swell up so much?" murmured Dr. Cao, "How did you twist it? What did you do after you twisted it? Tell me in detail."