Chapter 292 Expensive Pigeon

On the second day, Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi arrived at Taifeng Building early in the morning, joined by Sun Jikai who had gotten there even earlier. The three of them became the most enthusiastic workers to arrive at the office.

To ensure that the emergency department doctors could enjoy fresh and hot Eight Treasures Chestnut Fragrant Pigeon, Jiang Feng specifically took out the insulated box he had stowed in his inventory after closing up at Healthy Stir-fry Restaurant.

When Jiang Feng went to the warehouse under the pretense of looking for something, and eventually came out holding the familiar foam insulated box with two sloppily written characters for "takeout" on it, Wu Minqi was shocked.

"You even brought the takeout box with you to Beiping?" Wu Minqi stared at the familiar box, certain it was the very same one, because it was rare for anyone to write the characters for "takeout" so hideously.