Chapter 296 Luck (For Alliance Hierarch who also needs to cheer up today, an extra chapter!)

The second day Jiang Feng was awakened not by an alarm clock, but by love...

Pah, it was pear and lean meat soup.

A small bowl of pear and lean meat soup, you could tell what was in it at a glance.

Six slices of pear, a piece of lean meat, two red dates, eight goji berries, three longans, two slices of ginger, one sincere heart, full of love and affection.

Simmered from 6 a.m. to 7:30 a.m., a full hour and a half of slow cooking turned the soup a light yellow color, the sweetness of the pears and red dates blending into the soup and into the heart of the person drinking it.

Jiang Feng said that there was no point in watching others flaunt their affection in his memory all the time; flaunting one's own affection was the real skill!

Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi drank Five Flowers Tea and ate pear and lean meat soup together, chatting idly about some ordinary little things.