Chapter 299: The True Pigeon King

"Grandpa, what are you talking about?" Sun Jikai wanted to laugh, but couldn't muster it.

He really wanted to ask if this was a joke, but he knew very well that Master Sun was not a person who joked around.

Neither Master Sun nor Assistant Wang had expressions that looked like they were joking.

Sun Jikai felt his lips were heavy, so heavy that he couldn't open them. His tongue tasted bitter, too bitter to move.

He felt the air growing oppressive, suffocating him.

Master Sun sighed and said to Assistant Wang, "You tell him."

Assistant Wang handed a document bag to Sun Jikai.

"Master Sun started feeling unwell before the New Year, but there were so many things to do that he didn't pay attention to it and didn't go to the hospital for a check-up. After the Good Taste Culinary Competition finished, Master Sun felt a constant pain in his chest and had difficulty breathing, which led him to finally undergo a medical check-up, and the results..."