Chapter 302: Battle of the Century (Part Two) (Requesting Monthly Tickets!)

Jiang Feng weaved through the crowd, listening to the onlookers discuss some insubstantial and baseless gossip.

In the midst of the chaos, Jiang Feng stopped in his tracks.

If he wasn't mistaken, he thought he saw the old man as a middle-aged person!

Jiang Feng hurried forward and in just a few steps, confronted the middle-aged man who looked like Jiang Weiguo. He scrutinized him carefully and confirmed that this middle-aged man, with sunglasses on, lurking in the corner, looking robust, not mingling with others, and who a few years ago probably would have been invited for tea due to his strange behavior, was indeed Jiang Weiguo.

Looking at the old man's get-up, Jiang Feng found it increasingly amusing. It wasn't that his outfit was bizarre or comical; there were plenty in the crowd wearing even more bizarre and comical attire. After all, at this time, anyone dressed even slightly fashionably looked like a scene stealer.