Reward—Master Rank In Interventional Radiology

[His general surgery skill should be one of the best in this country. I don't know anything about interventional radiology, but I've consulted my colleagues in the cardiovascular department. Any surgeon who can embolize a uterine artery within five to six minutes is unrivaled in the province. However, it was impossible for the same surgeon to achieve such a high standard in different surgery subspecialties. Therefore, I suspect that this is actually an official account. Evaluation complete.]

[The feeling is mutual, but that surgery was done beautifully.]

[What the hell is interventional radiology? Can I have a show of hands of those who didn't understand the whole operative process?]

Countless comments flew across the screen. Even as doctors, they were bewildered by the cross-disciplinary surgery broadcast.

However, none of them could criticize this surgery after witnessing the effect of treatment.