A Means Between Light And Darkness

Zheng Ren took out his cell phone and called the emergency department.

Soon, a paramedic rushed over with a stretcher trolley, almost out of breath.

Zheng Ren leaned closer to the paramedic and said softly, "Everything is fine."

"A troublemaker?" guessed the paramedic, an experienced man, as he scanned the area.

"Yes." After the brief conversation, they quickly transferred the rogue to the stretcher trolley and hurried to the emergency department.

Upon arrival at the emergency department, Zheng Ren pushed the stretcher trolley directly into an empty treatment room instead of the observation unit, closed the door and said, "The patient has lost consciousness. It's a serious condition and we're in big trouble now."

The young traffic officer's face was chalk-white.

Due to a lack of experience, he could not grasp the meaning behind Zheng Ren's words.