Where Are Your Manners

Zheng Ren was numb from disappointment.

After the nurses checked her vital signs and completed their laborious preparation, Zheng Ren went to look for the patient's son.

As silence was the norm in the wards, he could not shout out for the young man. If he raised his voice, some old grandfather could suffer 

 a heart attack.

He suspected the man might not even hear him if he shouted.

When Su Yun came down and found Zheng Ren and Chang Yue only halfway done with the informed consent documents, he brought the middle-aged woman into the operating room.

Zheng Ren spent ten minutes searching for the patient's son. He found him in the fire escape.

The man was seated on the steps, focused on his game.

Zheng Ren dragged the man, who was visibly annoyed, back inside.

He sat him down in the office and activated a video recorder to begin informing him about the appendectomy.