Scientific Research In Imperial Capital

"You guys go ahead with abdominal wound closure. I'll head downstairs with the patient first." Relaxed, Zheng Ren left the operating theater after ensuring that their surgery was uneventful as well.

The moment he stepped out of the operating theater, he suddenly realized something and decided to take his time by chatting with the patient instead. The conversation continued until Su Yun and Yang Lei's surgery was complete before the patients were wheeled out together.

Both families were pleased to see the patients transferred out simultaneously without any problems. What else could they complain about when it had ended perfectly?

Zheng Ren noticed that Su Yun seemed downhearted upon their return to the ward, but could not be bothered to push the matter. Who knew what happened to the acerbic man?

The weather became colder each day. When the last leaf had fallen, it signified the official arrival of harsh winter.