You Should Work On A Higher, Wider Platform

Old Chief Physician Pan and Tang Xiu had just arrived outside the operating theater, but before she could call her family, the doors of the operating theater flung open and a stretcher trolley was wheeled out from inside.

Tang Xiu was stunned. There was no white sheet on it.

Her father's greyish-white hair accentuated his ashen-grey complexion, which made him look like he had met his end.

On the stretcher trolley sat a girl in a blue surgical gown. Her posture was awkward as she repeatedly squeezed the self-inflating bag to provide positive pressure ventilation.

The medical field was alien to Tang Xiu, but a knowledgeable person like her vaguely knew that the self-inflating bag was a type of artificial ventilation, a method to deliver oxygen to her father.

Sorrow instantly consumed her heart.

Tears started pouring from her eyes in a seemingly endless flow.