Strong Survival Instinct

Before Zheng Ren could react, a figure charged past him at lightning speed, like a cheetah.

In the blink of an eye, the young robber was already on the floor with his elbow twisted underneath a large foot.

It was a professional maneuver to subdue an opponent as it fully conformed to one's body mechanics and ergonomics, but simply knowing about it did not mean Zheng Ren was able to execute it.

"Doctor Zheng, we meet again." Fan Tianshui smiled.

Zheng Ren had long forgotten about this man ever since he was discharged… half a month ago?

However, his features were so unique that Zheng Ren, who had late-stage face blindness cancer, could easily recognize him.

The big-boned Fan Tianshui had gained considerable weight compared to his initial emaciated frame half a month ago. 

The added bulk made him look sturdy rather than simply being plump.

Just like a lion.

"Why… Why are you here?" asked Zheng Ren curiously.