The Limit Was Not Crossed But Completely Outstripped (Part 1 of 5)

As the surgery ended, numerous calls came in for Department Chief Kong. The patient was still lying on the operating table.

Many of the professors and experts had left the room, but Li Haitao remained. He had not expected a junior doctor like Zheng Ren to put up such an impressive performance.

The live surgery recording had 10000 downloads within the hour.

As the recording was not hosted on a social media platform, the numbers far exceeded their expectations.

A smile blossomed on Li Haitao's face as he entertained call after call.

One person's happiness was another's despair.

Inside Biosensors International's spanking new China headquarters, the East Asia regional director, Huang Zhishan, watched the surgery recording in horror. He did not have the technical knowledge to understand the procedure, but from the expressions of the experts in the room, he knew it meant bad news.

They were silent and somber, without a hint of joy.