Our Hero (Part 3 of 5)

The stretcher trolley, the injured victim, Zheng Ren's awkward position, a stream of medical personnel rushing alongside—the scene read like a wordless, harrowing poem.

Their only source of news from Imperial Capital had been Su Yun. Now, the actual incident was playing out onscreen; even Su Yun had fallen silent.

Actions always spoke louder than words.

Leaving a trail of blood as it went, the stretcher trolley moved at breakneck speed. Zheng Ren kicked a doctor aside. Shocked bystanders flashed past as the camera raced to catch up.

Xie Yiren had a hand over her mouth, the other clutching Zheng Ren's heart-shaped guide wire tightly. Her shoulders trembled with anxiety as she watched the recording.

Old Chief Physician Pan's hands remained on his knees. His fist was clenched so tightly that its bones were audibly grinding against each other.