Fix His Eyes (Part 3 of 4)

As they reached the elevator, a figure appeared at the front entrance and ran at them.

They were not yelling, instead sobbing silently in shock.

It was a girl in her early twenties with a pretty face covered in tears.

The young man on the stretcher trolley struggled to take her hand with his, saying with the last of his strength, "Don't tell my family."

The girl nodded her head repeatedly, clear teardrops flying everywhere as she did.

"How is he, doctor?" she asked Zheng Ren hoarsely, staring at him misty-eyed.

Zheng Ren was emotionless. "We're sending him to the OR. Are you his wife?"

"I'm his girlfriend."

"Call his family to come here and sign the papers for surgery." The elevator arrived and Zheng Ren and the other doctor pushed the stretcher trolley in.

Professor Rudolf Wagner followed them into the elevator.

He was curious as to how emergency rescue worked.