Let Me Treat You To Dinner (Part 1 of 4)

After the separation of the hepatoduodenal ligament, Zheng Ren moved on to the lesser omentum and separated the adhesion between the hepatic flexure and the right lobe of the liver (lobus hepatis dexter).

He then pushed down the transverse mesocolon and cut open the retroperitoneum behind the duodenum to perform a blunt dissection.

His skill at blunt dissection had been initially developed when he was training at appendectomy. It was his best trait.

By his own estimations, that one skill alone could probably reach a Master level.

However, it was so common that most people did not appreciate its art. Zheng Ren glanced at Yang Lei and was a little disappointed when he saw that the latter had not noticed it. 

It seemed like he had to point out the gist of the surgery from time to time for the man to understand it.