She Must Love Him Very Much

Zheng Ren obediently took a bath and had a good night's sleep.

It felt great not to have to work night shifts.

Xie Yiren woke up very early and left a message for Zheng Ren, telling him to wash up and come over for breakfast.

He felt like the owner of a thousand buildings and hectares of farmland, having to go through two mansions just to have breakfast…

There were fried eggs, bread and milk. Zheng Ren ate, tasting nothing but sweetness.

Hmm… sweetness, like Xie Yiren's fragrance leaving an indelible imprint in his mind.

They both hurried to the hospital after breakfast.

There was still some time before ward rounds, but Zheng Ren went regardless.

The patient who had received surgery the night before had regained consciousness. Her pain was not severe, but she could not eat solid food yet as she had not passed any gas.