A Long Sigh

"What's happening?" Zheng Ren asked.

"They're doing a double act." Chang Yue's tone suggested she was unpleased.

The professor was stunned. "A double act?" 

Even though he was a savant at languages, he had yet to master all the terms during his short stay.

However, neither Zheng Ren nor Chang Yue was in the mood to explain it to the professor.

Zheng Ren had just finished a 64-slice CT scan with 3D image reconstruction for the patient in the ward 3-8, whose condition was assuredly under control based on the data shown.

However, both his children were playing good cop, bad cop, and Zheng Ren could not understand why.

Seeing Zheng Ren's confusion, Chang Yue explained nonchalantly, "The admission was a setup."

It was ridiculous.