Surgical Recording

"What are you studying, Shaojie?" A voice came from behind. Gao Shaojie who was concentrating on the second-stage TIPS surgery that Zheng Ren mentioned removing the recyclable stent was in a trance for a moment.

The voice was so familiar that it interrupted Gao Shaojie's thoughts.

Gao Shaojie turned his head and was stunned to see Chief Jin accompanied by Chief Qi who was standing behind him with a smile.

"Hello, Chief Qi," Gao Shaojie immediately said politely.

"This is..."

"Chief Qi, this is Zheng Ren. Teacher Zheng, to be exact," Gao Shaojie immediately introduced. "Boss, this is our hospital's Chief Qi."

Chief Qi was shocked but his expression did not change. He reached out his hand and shook Zheng Ren's hand. They could be considered acquaintances.

Boss? Usually, only those with provincial-level research funds could be addressed as boss.