Was Still Not Enough

The guide wire went in again.This time, it took a long time to step on the line. Even Zheng Ren could not blindly operate into one of the many branches of the anterior tibial artery's lower segment.Looking at the blurry image, Su Yun's eyes narrowed into slits. There were artifacts everywhere. There were images that were so blurry that they could not be recognized. The tiny micro-guide wire was inside and overlapped with other images. It could not be recognized at all.How did Zheng Ren determine the micro-guide Wire's location?Su Yun did not know. Even with his level, he could only vaguely... Maybe roughly figure out where the micro-guide wire was. If it was a specific operation, it would be impossible for the micro-guide wire to complete the super-selective action of the blood vessels.However, it was enough to roughly know where the micro-guide wire was.Su Yun's skill level was not enough to perform the surgery but was good enough to observe it.