Thiocyanate Poisoning

Huang Dazhi's doubts about the surgery did not lie in the diagnosis but in the technique.

Zheng Ren could demonstrate the technique. As for how it should be used in surgery, it would depend on that individual's comprehension.

Even if Zheng Ren did not hide anything, most people would not be able to understand it.

Professor Huang asked for advice on two more difficult methods to select and remove the suppository. After Xie Yiren finished the handover, she walked out.

He knew that this was not a good time to chat, so he brought Zheng Ren and the others to the intervention department with a smile.

On the way, Professor Huang did not say anything more because Zheng Ren and Su Yun were about to fall asleep. He was just being careful not to let them fall asleep, hurt themselves, or get others hurt along the way.